The Syntagma Horridus and the Vertigo Of Space in José de Alencar´s O tronco do ipê (1871)




19th century, Romanticism, José de Alencar, Gothic, Ovide


This article analyses spatiality in José de Alencar´s novel O tronco do ipê (1871), based on the representations of the lake and the tree, which take up not only the figurations of Gothic fiction from mid-18th century, which spread throughout Romanticism, but also the allegory of Sleep and Narcissus present in Ovid´s Metamorphoses. If in the first case the suggestions of “ambiguity” (Punter), “hesitation” (Todorov) and “unusual irruption” (Callois, 1966) present in authors such as Ann Radcliffe are quite important, in the second case the dimension of verticality will favour the construction of an image that is referred to here as “syntagma horridus”. It is a combination of two loci horridi – a lake and a tree – which will prove decisive both for representing the ethos of the characters and the mythos of O tronco do ipê.


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Author Biography

Marcos Flamínio Peres, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Brasileira da Universidade de São Paulo, pós-doutor em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade de Chicago (EUA).


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How to Cite

PERES, M. F. The Syntagma Horridus and the Vertigo Of Space in José de Alencar´s O tronco do ipê (1871). Letras & Letras, Uberlândia, v. 40, n. único, p. e4034 | p. 1–22, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/LL63-v40-2024-34. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dec. 2024.