Reading Itinerary Applied in High School
“The Fortune-Teller”, by Machado de Assis, in Three Clicks
Teaching, Reading, Language, Literature, Reading itineraryAbstract
This article presents the application of a reading proposal carried out in high school at a school in Vale dos Sinos, Brazil. It argues that teaching how to read and understand literary texts, taking into account the complexity of the language in use, is a commitment to encouraging students to be proficient in their own language. To this end, it explores the inseparability between language and literature in Portuguese language teaching, it reflects on the applicability of reading strategies, and it presents a proposal for reading the short story “The fortune-teller”, by Machado de Assis, at different levels: introduction to text reception, comprehensive reading, analytical reading, interpretative reading, and transfer and application of reading. It appears that proposals that are based on reading strategies and the articulation of language and literature teaching tend to be more significant for training autonomous and proficient readers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Santos da Silveira Fernandes, Ana Cândida Santos de Carvalho, Juracy Assmann Saraiva (Autor)
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