Historical Fiction in Margarida La Roque, by Dinah Silveira de Queiroz
Margarida La Rocque: a ilha dos demônios, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, Historical fiction, Feminist criticism, Brazilian literatureAbstract
This article aims to present a close reading of the novel Margarida La Rocque: a ilha dos demônios, by Dinah Silveira de Queiroz. Set in 16th-century France amid European maritime expeditions, Margarida La Rocque is not usually included among Queiroz’s works classified as historical fiction. Despite this, the book has several characteristics that allow it to be considered as such. These characteristics include the protagonist's relationship with a character present in varied narratives – historical and fictional – as well as those associated with more recent forms of historical fiction, especially with regard to the possibility of rewriting women’s untold history.Downloads
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