The Mythological Figure of Lilith
Versions of This Female Personification of the Devil
Creation myth, Woman, Devil, Rebellion, DesecrationAbstract
This article carries out a reading based on an interlocution of narrative versions about the mythological figure of Lilith, who appears intertwined with the biblical characters Adam and Eve and the world creation myth. Elements and narrative aspects of the chosen texts are analyzed, such as: the devil personified in the female figure; the fear that permeates the popular imagination; the presence of the supernatural, the strange and the wonderful; religiosity; the telling of ancient Hebrew stories; violence and oppression; power relations. Such versions entail dialogues and suggest a vengeful profile of Lilith, who after being banished from Paradise returns in the form of a demonic and seductive serpent. Lilith can be interpreted as a representation of countless women, especially in their fight for female rights and their individual desires.
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