Competence and performativity in English language teacher education
Diversity, Digital Technologies, Performativity, CompetenceAbstract
This paper seeks to explore how English teachers in elementary education in Sergipe are dealing with diversity in the classroom and with the previous knowledge brought by students, especially about new digital technologies. The analysis was done from data generated through questionnaires and interviews, involving in-service teachers and undergraduates of an English Letras course. Talking about teacher education is a task that involves a great deal of uncertainty, due to the constant transformations that are taking place in a variety of fields that affect the production and dissemination of knowledge, the way we communicate and interact, socio-cultural relations and social life as a whole. With this scenario in mind, we can say that teacher education is essential to prepare them for the uncertain, the unpredictable and the unexpected. The analysis will be based on the theoretical concepts of competence, performance and performativity.
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