
  • Camila Malaquias Pinatti Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Márcia Regina Gonçalves Cardoso Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Project, PELC, Ituiutaba


This article deals with the results of a research on the School, Leisure and Culture Project (PELC) of the city of Ituiutaba. This research was guided by the search for answer of the following question: what are the contributions of the Project (PELC) to the municipal schools of the city of Ituiutaba? The aim of this study was to reflect on the results achieved by the municipal schools with adherence to the PELC, as well as to analyze the collaborative partnerships to carry out this project. In addition, we also sought in a particular way, to study and systematize data on the School, Leisure and Culture Project (PELC) of the city of Ituiutaba, including legal documents, photos, articles in magazines and newspapers that talk about the subject. In order to adequately respond to the research problem and achieve the intended objectives, studies of a bibliographic nature were developed. The research results indicate that the project contributes significantly to the school, social and cultural life of the participants. The PELC Project of the city of Ituiutaba is a significant example for other municipalities because it encompasses education, sports, leisure and culture in the service of integral formation of children and adolescents and also to involve the general population in the public events of the project.


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