Childhood education, Reading and writing activities, Teaching practicesAbstract
The aim of this article is to describe, through bibliographic research, the importance of reading and writing activities in the childhood education. It´s necessary to know how the academic research addresses this issue and to present some methodological resources that can contribute to the teacher's daily life in the classroom. From the readings taken, it is observed how important the reading and writing activities are in childhood in a significantly, playful and pleasurable way. We also note that literacy is not mandatory, the purpose of early childhood education is not anticipate the content from primary school but establish social relationships, knowing the body, play, learn to express themselves through different languages, socializing and valuing diversity. However, the teacher must provide an environment in which literacy establish a child's relationship with reading and writing, since it is present in our daily lives. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to work with various genres, and create a daily routine handling of books, reading, storytelling, collective texts, log activities, among others. The teacher can promote recreational activities, exploring the jokes and games, such as bingo, memory games, activities with the name, drawings, among others. Thus, the child will understand that there are many reasons to enjoy reading, and it will improve the level of learning and reflection, as well as working creativity, imagination, oral expression, expressiveness and also improve vocabulary and writing.
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