Assessment Methods, Formative Assessment, PortfolioAbstract
The following article discusses the evaluative process as a tool that enables the improvement of the teaching and learning process. In the dynamic and training evaluation, the teacher inserts evaluative moments during teaching and learning, characterizing an observed evaluation that includes a routine practice of an assisted evaluation; immediately interfering in the results reached during the learning process. The statistical and formal evaluation, conventionally applied in the majority of Brazilian schools, includes an organizational mechanism of the school practices that certifies the statistical failure. The methodological option for this research is a Theoretical Inquiry to answer the following issues: How to design an instrument to conduct the evaluation of the students so that it is immersed in the daily process of teaching and learning? Among the evaluative methods, the dynamic character and formative were found, the use of an individual portfolio has obtained a special featured role in the training evaluation area. Before the exposed method, its concluded that the ideal evaluation should be a continuous process that stimulates a critical vision in doing and acting in realistic terms. Its of great importance to renew the necessity of the practice of evaluating the teaching-learning process that, beyond certifying the student, it enables the diagnosis of problems in a viable moment to allow to search for and construct solutions. The training evaluation previews that each student possesses rhythm and a distinct learning process, because the portfolio represents a great advance for learning evaluation, aids the educator, the family, and the student have an ample and evolving vision of the teaching learning process.
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