conditions of magistrary, New School, Cecília MeirelesAbstract
In this work we will discuss the representations about the conditions of the magisterium in the years of 1930 and 1940 having as sources of analysis the chronicles written and published in the "Diário de Notícia" by Cecília Meireles in the years of 1930 to 1933, as well as two reports constructed by the author and published in the magazine. Today in schools, working conditions are not always favorable even in federal institutions; and already in 1930 this was the reality and a concern of those who dedicated themselves to studies on teaching practices. The teachers' resistance to the new educational practices, the difficulty in transforming the old school models, the bad remuneration and the lack of working conditions, the exploitation of the teaching work, the lack of participation of the families, among other issues also present in the chronicles by Cecília Meireles. Thus, through the discussion of representations about teaching and conditions of teaching in the 1930s - in view of structural issues, salary, and valuation of the profession - we aim to problematize the teaching profession.
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