The modern in the progress of an urban, scholastic and religious culture in the constitution of a mining municipality
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This article aims to analyze urban and educational development based on categories classified as "modern" and "progress". Taking as reference the city of Lavras, located in the south of the State of Minas Gerais and its documentary collections, it intends to demonstrate how the municipal public power participated in the emergence of important institutions, among them the educational one. Through a historical-documentary research, it was demonstrated how the construction of the urban became an important factor in the city of Lavras, being an indication that the concern with the social order was allied to the question of progress, and defended the hypothesis that the installation of schools was not an immediate and fundamental factor for the emergence of the villages. After the elevation of the village to the city, the municipal power extended the preoccupation to the social and educational questions, with the participation of a modernist elite of intellectuals and educators.
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Os trabalhos publicados são de propriedade dos seus autores, que poderão dispor deles para posteriores publicações, sempre fazendo constar a edição original (título original, Cadernos de História da Educação, volume, nº, páginas).
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