INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER RECHARGE: support for water resource and environmental management in the Paracatu river watershed, Brazil
The paperpresentstools for the spatial characterization of aquifer recharge and discharge on multiple scales to support management instruments for water and environmental policies. This method consists of the followingfive procedures: rapidassessment of aquifer recharge on a local scale; spatio-temporal characterization of land occupation dynamics in areas of high recharge potential; mapping of aquifer recharge potential; mapping of the contributions of the specific flows of theflow components (quick, base and interflow); and spatial modeling of the effects of environmental attributes onthe flow components. This method was appliedto the watershed of the ParacatuRiver, a tributary of the São FranciscoRiver, in Brazil. The results were interpretedacross various scales and provide important information for the sustainable use of water resources in terms ofland use and occupation.
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