Atmospheric evaporative demand and water deficit on the ecophysiology of Rubber seedlings




Climate variability, Natural rubber, Photosynthesis rates, Tropical tree species, Water use efficiency.


The search for genetic materials resistant to adverse weather conditions has been a major focus in studies on species of economic interest. The objective of the present study was to assess the growth and photosynthesis of rubber seedlings clones under two conditions of atmospheric evaporative demand, characterized by fluctuations in temperature (TEMP) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), associated to two water regimens. Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg (RRIM 600 and FX 3864) clones were assessed in two microclimates, at low (TEMP 21.2 ºC and VPD 0.29 Kpa) and high (TEMP 26.9 ºC and VPD 1.49 Kpa) atmospheric evaporative demand, under two water regimens: water deficit and well-watered.  Water deficit 50% water availability was sufficient to reduce the net CO2 assimilation rate, leaf area and total chlorophyll of the clones studied that impacted growth in both microclimates. The effects of water deficit on growth and net carbon assimilation rate were intensified under high atmospheric evaporative demand. However, when comparing the two clones studied, RRIM 600 showed greater growth and photosynthesis without water restriction. The FX 3864 clone, despite the high CO2 assimilation values under high atmospheric demand and without water restriction, showed a reduced growth. The results of this study form an important basis for the selection of genotypes with the potential to develop in adverse climatic conditions. In this sense, the RRIM 600 genotype is recommended as a promising material that would best adapt under adverse climatic conditions.


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Agricultural Sciences

How to Cite

Atmospheric evaporative demand and water deficit on the ecophysiology of Rubber seedlings. Bioscience Journal [online], 2022. [online], vol. 38, pp. e38090. [Accessed6 March 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v38n0a2022-62906. Available from: