Allelopathic effect of aqueous extracts of different organs of three sunflower cultivars on germination of radish
allelopathy, initial growth, Raphanus sativus, Helianthus annuusAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of different organs of three sunflower cultivars on the germination and initial development of radish. The study was conducted in a Laboratory of Plant Physiology of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. The design was completely randomized in a three-factor scheme with four replications. The first factor consisted of three sunflower cultivars: Olisun 3, Olisun 5, and Aguará 6. The second factor consisted of different organs: leaves, stems, and roots. The third factor consisted of the extracts concentrations: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%. The experimental unit (EU) used was gearboxes with two sheets of germitest paper that were moistened with the extracts. The EUs were placed in BOD germination chamber at 25 °C. Daily count of germinated seeds was performed. The radicle length and hypocotyl were measured on the 10th day. The variables analyzed included germination (G); germination speed index (GSI); radicle length (RL); and hypocotyl length (HL). Sunflowers have allelopathic potential on the radish. The extract concentration of 75% of all organs and cultivars were sufficient to significantly reduce the variables. The allelopathic activity differs between organs (leaves, stems, and roots) and sunflower cultivars. The amount of allelopathic effects vary in the order of root, stem, and then leaf. Extracts from the roots showed the greatest allelopathic effect on germination and initial development on the radish; however, this depends on the cultivar used. Field studies should be performed to verify such allelopathic activities.
Copyright (c) 2018 Carlos Alberto Gonsiorkiewicz Rigon, Adriana Tourinho Salamoni, Adalin Cezar Morais de Aguiar, Luan Cutti

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