Genotypic reaction of chickpea to Fusarium oxysporum and seed sanitary quality




Cicer arietinum, Fungicide, Fusarium, Pathogenicity, Seeds.


This research investigated the reaction of chickpea genotypes to Fusarium oxysporum CML 2878, seed health quality, and seed treatment with Carbendazim + Thiram fungicide. The roots of 15-day-old chickpea seedlings were injured, immersed in fungal suspension (4.5 x 107 conidia/mL), and transplanted. Thirty days later, F. oxysporum incidence in the genotypes, pathogenicity, and fresh mass and length of the root and shoot were evaluated. The conducted seed health test followed the incubation methodology on a paper substrate. The seed health and sand emergence tests used a factorial arrangement with two seed treatments (treated with fungicide and untreated) and nine genotypes. Total emergence and the number of normal and abnormal plants were evaluated. All genotypes were susceptible to F. oxysporum CML 2878, thus yellowing and browning the leaves and reducing root development. The primary fungi associated with the seeds of the studied genotypes were Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp., Rhizopus sp., and Penicillium sp. The fungicide was highly efficient in fungal control but reduced emergence, weight, seedling height, and the number of normal seedlings in the genotypes. This study demonstrated that the evaluated genotypes were susceptible to F. oxysporum CML 2878 and Fusarium sp., spread by seeds. Although fungicidal control was efficient for Fusarium, it may interfere with chickpea germination and vigor.


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How to Cite

BARBOSA, D.M.C. do R., ROCHA, F. da S., COSTA, C.A. da, NASCIMENTO, W.M., MIZOBUTSI, E.H. and CATÃO, H.C.R.M., 2024. Genotypic reaction of chickpea to Fusarium oxysporum and seed sanitary quality. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 40, pp. e40037. [Accessed21 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v40n0a2024-71926. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences