The incidence of unfilled second mesiobuccal canals and periapical lesions in maxillary molars by cone-beam computed tomography E-VOL DX software




CBCT, e-Vol DX, Maxillary molar, MB2 canal, Mesiobuccal canal, Mesiopalatal canal.


This study evaluated the incidence of unfilled second mesiobuccal (MB2) canals and periapical lesions in first maxillary molars using CBCT e-Vol DX software. Hence, 326 CBCT images of first maxillary molars of patients undergoing endodontic treatment were selected. The e-Vol DX software performed a retrospective review of these images, recording the presence or absence of MB2 canals, filling, and periapical lesions in first maxillary molars. Specific statistical analysis was performed at a 5% significance level. Unfilled MB2 canals were highly frequent in first maxillary molars and significantly associated with periapical lesions in the mesiobuccal root of these teeth (p<0.05). The CBCT e-Vol DX software effectively detected MB2 canals, and unfilled canals may be associated with periapical lesions.


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How to Cite

The incidence of unfilled second mesiobuccal canals and periapical lesions in maxillary molars by cone-beam computed tomography E-VOL DX software. Bioscience Journal [online], 2024. [online], vol. 40, pp. e40010. [Accessed6 March 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v40n0a2024-69090. Available from: