Agronomic performance of cassava fertilized with phosphorus doses




Commercial root, Genotypes, Manihot esculenta, Phosphate fertilization, Productivity.


We have evaluated the agronomic performance of table cassava cultivars fertilized with phosphorus doses in the Brazilian Semiarid Region. Two agricultural crops were grown at the Rafael Fernandes Experimental Farm, Mossoró, RN, from June/2018 to April/2019 and from June/2019 to April/2020. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, arranged in subdivided plots, with four replications. In the plots, doses of phosphorus were applied (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg P2O5 ha-1), and in the subplots, the table cassava cultivars (Água Morna, BRS Gema de Ovo, Recife and Venâncio). The following were evaluated: dry matter of leaf, stem, and commercial root; harvest index; commercial root number; commercial productivity and aerial part productivity. The cultivars used had high root and aerial part productivities indicating that their irrigated cultivation is appropriate under the conditions of the Semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte. The cultivars Água Morna, BRS Gema de Ovo and Recife are more efficient in the use of phosphorus, obtaining high productivity even in the absence of phosphate fertilization. The cultivar Venâncio is more responsive to phosphate fertilization, as it needs an input of this nutrient to increase its productivity.


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How to Cite

SILVEIRA, F.P. da M., LOPES, W. de A.R., OLIVEIRA, P.R.H. de, SANTOS, M.G. dos, MONTEIRO, A.L., SANTOS, G.L. dos, SILVA, S.F. da, SOUZA, Ênio G.F., SILVEIRA, L.M. da and JÚNIOR, A.P.B., 2023. Agronomic performance of cassava fertilized with phosphorus doses. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 39, pp. e39077. [Accessed15 September 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v39n0a2023-65423. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences