Anti-fasciolic effect of raw seeds of Nigella sativa, Fumaria parviflora (aerial), in naturally infected Buffaloes
Buffaloes, Comparative Efficacy, Fasciolosis, Medicinal Plants.Abstract
In the present study Nigella sativa (seeds) and Fumaria parviflora (aerial), were used to treat buffaloes naturally infected with fasciolosis and their efficacy (%) was compared. In vivo, pre-and post-treatment (50 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg/ kg body weight of the two medicinal plants) fecal egg counts were determined following standard fecal egg count reduction in buffaloes (Babulus sp.) of Nili Ravi breed naturally parasitized with Fasciola sp. The infected buffaloes were randomly divided into 3 main groups’ i.e. A, B, and C. Animals in groups A and B were further subdivided into three subgroups i.e. A1, A2, A3; B1, B2, B3. Sub-groups A1 and B1 were given dose levels of 50mg/kg body weight, A2, and B2, 100mg while A3 and B3, 150mg/kg body weight of Nigella sativa (seeds) and Fumaria parviflora (aerial), respectively. Group C with infected animals served as a control. 2 medicinal plants has been found significantly (P<0.05) efficient (42-100%) and safe to use against fasciolosis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Asma Waheed Qureshi, Tanveer Akhtar , Luqman Khan, Muhammad Numan

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