Occurrence of citrus brown and black spot diseases and their control using pre-harvest approaches
Black spot, Brown spot, Citrus fruits, Disease control, Organic acids, Organic salts, Pre-harvest approaches, Yeast.Abstract
Mild brown and black spot diseases symptoms were detected on citrus varieties, Valencia and Navel fruits during season 2018 in some citrus orchards at North Egypt. Collected diseased fruit samples revealed isolation of Alternaria alternata and Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) van der Aa. Some organic acids, salts and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were evaluated against the diseases incidents in vitro and in vivo. Complete growth inhibition was recorded for fungi tested at 2g/L of salicylic acid, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Tri-Sodium polyphosphate and 2.5 g/L of S. cerevisiae. All pre-harvest treated Valencia trees, inoculated fruits revealed no diseases symptoms up to 10 days of storage period. Meanwhile, S. cerevisiae and salicylic acid treatments had extended protective effect up to 20 days. Control strategy through spraying Valencia orange trees with yeast or some organic acids and salts as pre-harvest approaches should be taken in consideration especially these diseases began to occur in North region of Egypt.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mohamed Saied Ali Khalil, Nadia Gamel El-Gamal, Nehal Samy El-Mougy, Mokhtar Mohamed Abdel-Kader

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