Organic onion growth, yield and storage improved by foliar sprays of microalgae and fulvic acid as a natural biofertilizer




Allium cepa L., Humic substances, Scenedesmus subspicatus, Organic farming, Scenedesmus subspicatus.


The use of microalgae as natural biofertilizer in horticulture has recently been reported, while the use of humic substances is widespread. However, the combined use of microalgae with humic substances applied to plant leaves is still unexploited. Thus, the objective of this work was to combine fulvic acid (FA) with the Scenedesmus subspicatus microalga biomass (SC) as a natural biofertilizer applied via leaf in two onion cultivars in organic system. Four experiments were conducted: i) bioassays to verify the bioactive effect of FA, SC and combinations using the Vigna radiata model plant; ii) greenhouse pot experiment with foliar applications of FA, SC and combination in two onion cultivars; iii) field experiment in organic system with foliar applications of FA, SC and combination in two onion cultivars; and iv) onion bulb storage experiment. The bioactive effect of SC, FA and their combinations was identified by promoting changes in root growth of V. radiata. In pots, treatments containing FA, SC and combination promoted increase in fresh and dry leaf mass. The foliar application of FA, SC and combination promoted an increase in field bulb productivity, reduced mass loss in stored bulbs and increased carbohydrate, amino acid and protein contents in onion bulbs.


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How to Cite

GEMIN, L.G., MÓGOR, Átila F., DE OLIVEIRA AMATUSSI , J., BOCHETTI DE LARA, G. and MÓGOR, G., 2022. Organic onion growth, yield and storage improved by foliar sprays of microalgae and fulvic acid as a natural biofertilizer. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 38, pp. e38045. [Accessed11 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v38n0a2022-58854. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences