Resistance to diseases of sour, sweet and wild passion fruit genotypes




Cladosporium herbarum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Passiflora spp. , Resistance, Septoria passiflorae, Xanthomonas spp.


The cultivation of passion fruit is important for Brazil, since the country is currently the largest producer and consumer of fruit in the world. However, the fields of passion fruit still face important problems due to the incidence and severity of diseases in the field. Thus, the present study aimed to assess resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases in 13 genotypes of sour, sweet and wild passion fruit, in field conditions in the Distrito Federal, Brazil. For this, a field experiment was installed in a randomized block design, with four replications and 13 treatments (genotypes). The characteristics of incidence, severity and degree of resistance for bacteriosis, septoriosis, scab and anthracnose diseases were evaluated in 5 fruits per plot of each genotype. Genetic parameters of the evaluated traits were also estimated. High heritability values and CVg/Cve ratio were observed for most of the evaluated characteristics. The genotypes presented mean values of incidence and severity of bacteriosis, septoriosis, scab and anthracnose different among them, and the one that presented the best results in the degree of resistance for all diseases was F1 (MAR20 # 24 x ECL7 P1 R4).


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How to Cite

DA SILVA NÓBREGA, D., RICARDO PEIXOTO, J., SOUZA VILELA, M., SANTOS DE MENDONÇA, R., DE DEUS DE SOUSA, R.M., PEREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, A., ALVES DE OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, A. and DIAS RAMOS, S., 2022. Resistance to diseases of sour, sweet and wild passion fruit genotypes. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 38, pp. e38030. [Accessed6 February 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v38n0a2022-54159. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences