Aerobic stability of tifton 85 silage with and without pre-drying in the sun




Ammonia Nitrogen, Cynodon, pH, Temperature.


The objective of this study was to evaluate pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, and aerobic stability of silage of Tifton 85 grass silage with two dry matter contents at different silos opening times. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a subdivided plots scheme, in which the silages constituted the plots and aerobic exposure times the subplots, with four replications. To verify the aerobic stability of the silages, the temperature and pH were analyzed at seven hours after the silos were opened (1, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 hours). The pH reached adequate levels for conservation only after 90 days of fermentation for the silages with and without pre-drying in the sun. Ammoniacal nitrogen remained below the recommended limits in both silages. As for the silage temperature, no loss of aerobic stability was observed. However, the observed pH revealed a break instability after 72 hours when the silos were opened at 28 days, with no changes for the remaining silage periods. It is possible to obtain suitable silages from Tifton 85 with or without pre-warming in the sun, however, a minimum fermentation period of 90 days should be adopted. The studied silages presented high aerobic stability, but when kept silage for only 28 days, they should be consumed by the animals within 48 hours after the supply.


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How to Cite

SCHNEIDER, C.R., CASTAGNARA, D.D., FERNANDES, T. and NERES, M.A., 2021. Aerobic stability of tifton 85 silage with and without pre-drying in the sun. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 37, pp. e37060. [Accessed11 November 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-54036. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences