Productive characteristics of sunflower genotypes irrigated with different levels of saline water
Achene, Bioenergy crop, Electrical conductivity, Helianthus annuus L. Oil contentAbstract
Sunflower is suitable for family farmers from Northeast Brazil who are benefited by the production of grain and oil and is adequate for crop rotation and for honey production. The need for irrigation in this region leads to the realization of this study for evaluating the production components of four sunflower genotypes irrigated with different levels of water salinity. The study was carried out in the municipality of Remigio, Paraíba, Brazil, using a randomized block with split plots experimental design in a 5 x 4 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of five electrical conductivity levels of the irrigation water at 25 °C (L1 - 0.14 (reservoir water), L2 - 1.50, L3 - 2.50, L4 - 3.50, and L5 - 4.50 dS m- 1), and four sunflower genotypes (C1 - Embrapa 122-V2000, C2 - Olisun 03, C3 - AG 963, and C4 - Multissol) with three replicates. The irrigation water salinity levels tested did not influence the variables studied. Different values of the variables among sunflower genotypes were due to characteristics inherent to each genotype. Sunflower genotype Olisun 03 presented the highest oil content, while the lowest content was observed in Multissol.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kaline Dantas Travassos, Hans Raj Gheyi, Helder Morais Mendes Barros, Neyton de Oliveira Miranda, Claudio Augusto Uyeda, Nildo da Silva Dias, Marcelo Tavares Gurgel, René Chipana-Rivera, Rafael Oliveira Batista, Francisco Valfísio da Silva

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