Use of computational intelligence in the genetic divergence of colored cotton plants




Gossypium hirsutum, Neural Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps


The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity using conventional methods and artificial neural networks among 12 colored fiber cotton genotypes, using technological characteristics of the fiber and productivity in terms of cottonseed and cotton fiber yield. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area located at Fazenda Capim Branco, belonging to the Federal University of Uberlândia, in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Twelve genotypes of colored fiber cotton were evaluated, 10 from the Cotton Genetic Improvement Program (PROMALG): UFUJP - 01, UFUJP - 02, UFUJP - 05, UFUJP - 08, UFUJP - 09, UFUJP - 10, UFUJP - 11, UFUJP - 13, UFUJP - 16, UFUJP - 17 and two commercial cultivars: BRS Rubi (RC) and BRS Topázio (TC). The experimental design used was complete randomized block (CRB) with three replications. The following evaluations were carried out at full maturation: yield of cottonseed (kg ha-1) and the technological characteristics, which include, fiber length, micronaire, maturation, length uniformity, short fiber index, elongation and strength, using the HVI (High volume instrument) device. Genetic dissimilarity was measured using the generalized Mahalanobis distance and after obtaining the dissimilarity matrix, the genotypes were grouped using a hierarchical clustering method (UPGMA). A discriminant analysis and the Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (SOM) by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN’s) were performed through computational intelligence. SOM was able to detect differences and organize the similarities between accesses in a more coherent way, forming a larger number of groups, when compared to the method that uses the Mahalanobis matrix. It was also more accurate than the discriminant analysis, since it made it possible to differentiate groups more coherently when comparing their phenotypic behavior. The methods that use computational intelligence proved to be more efficient in detecting similarity, with Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map being the most adequate to classify and group cotton genotypes.


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How to Cite

BONIFÁCIO OLIVEIRA CARDOSO, D., AMARAL MEDEIROS, L., OLIVEIRA CARVALHO, G. de, MOTTA PIMENTEL, I., XAVIER ROJAS, G., ARAUJO SOUSA, L., MEDEIROS SOUZA, G. and BARBOSA DE SOUSA, L.., 2021. Use of computational intelligence in the genetic divergence of colored cotton plants. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 37, pp. e37007. [Accessed2 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-53634. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences