Punctual mechanical oscillation in modulation of muscular tonus in children with spasticity





Cerebral Pals, Mechanomyography, Modified Ashworth Scale, Muscle belly, Muscle tendon.


Spasticity is a motor condition present in 75 to 88% of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). One form of treatment is called punctual mechanical oscillation (PO). The current study aimed to study different protocols for the application of PO and the magnitude of their effects. In total, 7children with medical diagnosis of CP and ICD (International Classification of Diseases) were included. The first intervention protocol (Int1) consisted of the application of PO to the spastic muscle tendon and the second intervention protocol (Int2) to the muscle belly ofthe spastic antagonist muscle. For evaluation, the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) was used, while simultaneously capturing the mechanomyography (MMG) signals. Data were collected pre-intervention and 1 (Post1), 15 (Post15), 30 (Post30), 45 (Post45), and60 (Post60) minutes after the interventions. The MAS values (median ± interquartile range) post intervention were statistically lower when compared to the pre values in the 2 protocols studied; in Int1between Pre (2 ± 0) andPost15 (0 ± 1.75), Post30 (0 ± 1), Post45 (1 ± 1),and Post60 (1 ± 1), and in Int2only between Pre (2 ± 1) and Post1 (0 ± 1).The values found in the MMG in both its temporal and spectral domains did not follow a pattern (p>0.05). The comparison between the protocols did not demonstrate statistical differences in any characteristics (MAS, MMGMF, and MMGRMS). However, PO was shown to be a therapeutic resource that modulated spasticity for up to 60 minutes after its application, and PO could contribute as a tool to aid the treatment of spasticity.


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How to Cite

POL, S. de ., NEVES, E.B., LAZZARETTI, A.E.., SMAILI, S.M.. and KRUEGER, E.., 2021. Punctual mechanical oscillation in modulation of muscular tonus in children with spasticity. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 37, pp. e37069. [Accessed19 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-53574. Available from: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/biosciencejournal/article/view/53574.



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