Productivity and growth in cowpea inoculated with rhizobia under different light environments
Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Shading, Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.Abstract
The objective of this work was to verify the influence of light environments combined with rhizobia inoculation on cowpea growth and productivity. A completely random design was used in a 4x4 factorial scheme, with four light environments, four nitrogen sources and eight replicates in split plot parcels. Light environments were set by means of photo-conversion and thermo-conversion nettings (Aluminet®, red net and black net) and control treatment without shading (full sun). Nitrogen sources were constituted by the strains INPA 03-11B - SEMIA 6462 (Bradyrhizobium elkanni) and UFLA 03-84 - SEMIA 6461 (Bradyrhizobium viridifuturi), and two control treatments: with 70 kg ha-1 of mineral nitrogen and without N. Plant height, indices of chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophill, the number of leaves, number of nodules, dry matter of nodules, dry matter of the aerial portion, dry matter of roots and total dry matter, relative efficiency, gathering of nitrogen in the aerial portion, number, length and matter of pods per plant and dry matter of 100 grains, were evaluated. . There was interaction between light conditions and nitrogen sources for the number of nodules. Individual effect was observed in all other variables. Strain INPA 03-11B was able to promote higher nodulation in cowpea plants in light environments under full sun and Aluminet and the strain UFLA 03-84 only under full sun conditions. However, the efficiency of diazotrophic bacteria to promote vegetative growth, nitrogen gathering and production was not influenced by different light environments. Thus, full sun cultivation is recommended, independently of the nitrogen source used.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Andreza de Jesus Correia, Rafaela Simão Abrahão Nóbrega, Amanda Santos Oliveira, Welly Sacramento Santana, Caliane da Silva Braulio, Marluce Santana de Olivera, Cheila Bonati do Carmo de Sousa, Anacleto Ranulfo dos Santos

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