Molecular identification of microbial contaminations in the fitness center in Makkah region




16S rRNA Gene, Fitness Center, Hemolytic Activity, Microbial Infection.


As the condition increases and seeks to remain healthy, the number of people who plan to join a fitness center or "gym" has increased markedly. From where this individual does understand, the study of the variety of bacteria showing the stolen has led him to care for people, with a popular fitness center located in the province of Makka, Saudi Arabia. Different bacteria must be eliminated from other gyms in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in a total of three areas 46 two sports equipment. Both types and characteristics of bacteria, while some have been tested in hemolytic surgery for antibiotic resistance. Corynebacterium antibiotics in different forms did not react the same; however, isolates tested for M17 and N12 showed the greatest resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, sixteen bacterial strains of human blood β-agar displayed high hemolytic activity. In the gym isolates 2 (9 strains) followed in gym 1 (7 modes), B row hemolytic activity was highest. It is important to note that gram-positive bacteria were positive in all kinds of ways, and catalase was positive. Six strains belonging to the genus Bacillus, Brachybacterium, Geobacillus, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, and Staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria were known as possible individuals to use the morphological, biochemical, and rRNA gene of the 16S series. In general, this research illustrates the health and fitness centers in the individual being studied and the risks that are considered necessary to periodically study possible microbial contamination in the mixture in the gym to ensure people's protection.


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How to Cite

TURKSTANI, M.A.., SULTAN, R.M.S.., AL-HINDI, R.R.. and AHMED, M.M.M.., 2021. Molecular identification of microbial contaminations in the fitness center in Makkah region. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 37, pp. e37020. [Accessed19 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-50400. Available from:



Biological Sciences