Evaluation of the serum biochemistry and histopathology of kidney and bladder of dogs with Leishmania sp. in their urine


  • Joilson Ferreira Batista Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Barbara Laurice Araújo Verçosa . Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Michel Muálem de Moraes Alves Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Fernanda Samara Barbosa Rocha Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Rayssa Maria de Araújo Carvalho Centro Universitário Unifacid
  • Maria das Graças Prianti Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Bárbara Cristina Silva Holanda Queiroz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Carlos Henrique Nery Costa Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Ivete Lopes de Mendonça Universidade Federal do Piauí




Histopathology, Leishmaniasis, Serum biochemistry, Urine.


The visceral establishment of Leishmania infantum in dogs may result in kidney and bladder tissue injury, with L. infantum ending up in urine. This study therefore aimed at investigating the presence of Leishmania sp. in urinary sediments, and correlating the results with those from renal and bladder serum biochemistry and histopathology. Thirty dogs with negative Nested-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for E. canis were used in the experiment, and were divided into three groups: control group (10 dogs), neither leishmaniasis nor clinical changes; group I (15 dogs), leishmaniasis but no Leishmania sp. in urine; and group II (5 dogs), leishmaniasis, as well as Leishmania sp. in urine. All animals were submitted to clinical, serological, and parasitological diagnosis for leishmaniasis, biochemical exams, and kidney and bladder histopathology. The parasite was also detected in the bladder imprint of one group II dog. Group II dogs presented with very low albumin concentrations, low albumin/globulin ratios, and kidney and bladder lesions. In the kidneys, hydropic degeneration, thickened Bowman's capsule, and thickening of the tubular capsule were detected in all dogs with positive urinary sediment. However, no significant difference in these renal changes was observed between groups. The intensity and distribution of bladder inflammatory infiltrates were significantly (p-value < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis’ and Dunn’s tests) higher in group II dogs, compared with those of the other groups. The presence of Leishmania sp. in the urine of infected dogs appeared to be related to low serum albumin concentrations and more severe bladder lesions.


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How to Cite

BATISTA, J.F., VERÇOSA, B.L.A.., ALVES, M.M. de M., ROCHA, F.S.B.., CARVALHO, R.M. de A., PRIANTI, M. das G., QUEIROZ, B.C.S.H.., COSTA, C.H.N.. and MENDONÇA, I.L. de, 2020. Evaluation of the serum biochemistry and histopathology of kidney and bladder of dogs with Leishmania sp. in their urine. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 956–967. [Accessed11 September 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v36n3a2020-42464. Available from: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/biosciencejournal/article/view/42464.



Agricultural Sciences