Soils characterization and classification in clean field, dirty field and forest areas in amazonian environments


  • Uilson Franciscon Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Milton César Costa Campos Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Bruno Campos Mantovanelli Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Luís Antonio Coutrim dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • José Maurício da Cunha Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Leonardo Chechi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Ivanildo Amorim de Oliveira



amazon soil, soil genesis, soil attributes, soil classification.


The soil and vegetation characteristics of the southern Amazonas region include highly weathered soils, high aluminum content and some hydromorphic conditions, its vegetation is composed from grasslands to small isolated trees and forest galleries along the rivers streams. In this way, this work aims to characterize and classify the soil in areas of clean field, dirty field, and forest in Humaitá region AM. Soil trenches were opened in the clean field, dirty field, and forest environments, soil profiles were morphologically characterized, and samples were collected from their horizons. Physical analysis of texture, dispersed clay in water, flocculation, bulk density, particle density and porosity were performed. The chemical analyzes included pH and KCl in water; Ca, Mg, K, Al, and; available P; H+Al and organic C; SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 sulfuric attack. The soils were classified according to criteria established by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification and Soil Taxonomy. The forest, dirty field (high) and clean field (low) showed different soil types, Typic Dystrudept for the first two environments and Typic Fluvaquents for last. Multivariate techniques expressed the similarity relations presenting between the different environments studied, characterizing, which are of great importance in the relation landscape-soil studies.


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How to Cite

FRANCISCON, U., COSTA CAMPOS, M.C., CAMPOS MANTOVANELLI, B., COUTRIM DOS SANTOS, L.A., CUNHA, J.M. da, CHECHI, L. and OLIVEIRA, I.A. de, 2019. Soils characterization and classification in clean field, dirty field and forest areas in amazonian environments. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1083–1098. [Accessed10 September 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v35n4a2019-42130. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences