Bioinsecticide potential of Curcuma zedoaria rhizome essential oil


  • Herika Line Marko de Oliveira Universidade Paranaense
  • Wanessa de Campos Bortolucci Universidade Paranaense
  • Eloísa Schneider Silva Universidade Paranaense
  • Caio Franco de Araújo Almeida Campos Instituto Cesumar de Ciência
  • José Eduardo Gonçalves Instituto Cesumar de Ciência
  • Ranulfo Piau Júnior Instituto Cesumar de Ciência
  • Giani Andréa Linde Universidade Paranaense
  • Zilda Cristiani Gazim Universidade Paranaense



Aedes aegypti, Anticholinesterase, Epicurzerenone, β-Elemene, Lethal concentration (LC)., 1,8 Cineole


In this study  the potential bioinseticide of the essential oil (OE) extracted from the rhizomes of the species Curcuma zedoaria (Zingiberaceae) was evaluated. The rhizomes were collected during dormancy (winter) and budding (summer). The EO was obtained by hydrodistillation (2h) and identified by GC/MS. In addition, a multivariate exploratory analysis was done to determine the analysis of the major compounds (PCA). The EO yield in dormancy was 0.61± 0.07 (%) and in budding 0.55 ± 0.08 (%). The bioassays on Aedes aegypti larvae and pupae were done by immersion test at different EO concentrations which ranged from 500.00 to 0.003 mg mL-1 (v/v). The results on the larvae and pupae indicated LC99.9 of (0.01 and 1.38 mg mL-1) for EO in dormancy, and (0.08 and 2.63 mg mL-1) for EO during budding, respectively. The action mechanism of EOs in both periods was determined by autobiographic method evaluating the inhibitory potential on the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, indicating greater inhibition of the EO enzyme during dormancy (0.039 mg mL-1) when compared to the EO during budding (0.156 mg mL-1). The projection representation of the EO chemical classes in both evaluated periods indicated that oxygenated sesquiterpenes are the major compound class (46.99% in dormancy) and (43.59% in budding). The projection of major chemical compounds of EOs presented three compounds with greater mass flow distancing: epicurzerenone (18.20% and 12.10%); 1.8 cineole (15.76% and 12.10%) and β-elemene (4.43 and 0.01%) that are found in greater amounts in the dormancy EO when compared to budding, respectively. These results corroborate with the greater potential on Ae. aegypti larvae and pupae found for the dormancy EO. The results are promising because they show in which vegetative cycle phase C. zedoaria EO presents greater bioinsecticide potential.


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Author Biography

Zilda Cristiani Gazim, Universidade Paranaense

Laboratório de química de produtos Naturais

Isolamento, identificação química de óleos essenciais

Atividades biológicas (acaricida, larvicida, antioxidante, antimicrobiana), com óleos essenciais 




How to Cite

DE OLIVEIRA, H.L.M., BORTOLUCCI, W. de C., SILVA, E.S., CAMPOS, C.F. de A.A., GONÇALVES, J.E., PIAU JÚNIOR, R., LINDE, G.A. and GAZIM, Z.C., 2019. Bioinsecticide potential of Curcuma zedoaria rhizome essential oil. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1198–1212. [Accessed16 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v35n4a2019-42012. Available from:



Biological Sciences