Adaptability and productive stability of soybean genotypes under natural rust infection without fungicide


  • Nathália Salgado Silva ESALq - USP
  • Ana Paula Oliveira Nogueira UFLA - Lavras - MG
  • Osvaldo Toshiyuki Hamawaki INGEB-UFU
  • Fábio Serafim Marques INGEB - UFU
  • Luíza Amaral Medeiros ICIAG - UFU
  • Géssyca Ferreira Gomes INGEB - UFU
  • Bianca Gonçalves Guimarães INBIO - UFU
  • Lucas Oliveira Araújo Pena ICIAG - UFU
  • Cristiane Divina Lemes Hamawaki ICIAG - UFU
  • Fernando Cezar Juliatti ICIAG - UFU



Glycine max, In G x A Interaction, Cultivar recommendation, Biometric analysis.


The genetic breeding of soybean aims to obtain productive genotypes, so it is necessary that the genetic components, environment and the interaction between them be understood. The G x E interaction is the differential behavior of the genotypes against environmental. The objective was to study the G x E interaction and analyze the adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes under natural rust infection without fungicide. The experiment was conducted in the Genetic Breeding Program of the Federal University of Uberlândia. Fourteen soybean genotypes were evaluated, with 10 lines developed by the UFU Program (UFUS1117: 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11) and 4 cultivars: UFUS 7415, UFUS Riqueza, TMG 801 and BRSGO 7560 in four seasons: 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, in a randomized complete block design. The G x E interaction was complex and the H2 was 85.97% indicating superiority of genetic variation in relation to the environment. The average grain yield was 2284.13kg ha-1. The genotype UFUS 1117-01 was identified by Eberhart and Russel, Wricke, AMMI 2 and Centroid as being a highly productive stability genotype. The UFUS 1117-07 showed high stability by Eberhart and Russel, Wricke, Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro methods and wide adaptability by Eberhart and Russel and Centroid. The genotype UFUS 1117-09 was identified as being adaptable to unfavorable environments by the Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro and Centroid methods, and UFUS 1117-10 presented favorable environmental adaptability by the Centroid method and high stability by Eberhart and Russel.


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How to Cite

SILVA, N.S., NOGUEIRA, A.P.O., HAMAWAKI, O.T., MARQUES, F.S., MEDEIROS, L.A., GOMES, G.F., GUIMARÃES, B.G., PENA, L.O.A., HAMAWAKI, C.D.L. and CEZAR JULIATTI, F., 2018. Adaptability and productive stability of soybean genotypes under natural rust infection without fungicide . Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 34, no. 5. [Accessed8 September 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v34n5a2018-41559. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences