The elaboration process of an educational guide for individuals with an ostomy: development of educational guidelines for the self-care of patients with an intestinal and/or urinary ostomy


  • Selma de Andrade Coelho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Denise Regina da Costa Aguiar Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco



Ostomy., Nursing., Education in health., Self-care., Educational technology.


This study aimed to develop a guideline concerning the care directed toward an individual with an intestinal and/or urinary ostomy attending the Assistance Service for Ostomized Patients implemented at the Clinical Hospital of Uberlândia UFU, in order that such individuals be provided the means of self-care and thus improve their life quality. A bibliographical survey was performed on the theme, which focused on Guidelines Based on Evidence. The development of these guidelines was based on a bibliographical survey and took as its foundation the principles of Orem’s self-care theory and the educational practices applied to pedagogy in health according to Paulo Freire's philosophy concerning liberating education, qualification and dialogue between the subject and the professional, which grants the possibility of aiding the family and patient to modify their lifestyles and be the agents of transformation, thus favoring the development of their autonomy. The printed educational material brings new information and knowledge to the ostomized patient.


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How to Cite

COELHO, S. de A. and AGUIAR, D.R. da C., 2020. The elaboration process of an educational guide for individuals with an ostomy: development of educational guidelines for the self-care of patients with an intestinal and/or urinary ostomy. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 295–303. [Accessed15 January 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v36n1a2020-40132. Available from:



Health Sciences