In vitro and in situ digestibility of annual ryegrass silage from distinct phenological growth stages and pre-dehydration times


  • Ana Carolina Fluck Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Olmar Antônio Denardin Costa Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Jorge Schafhauser Junior Embrapa Clima Temperado; Pelotas
  • Patrícia Pinto da Rosa Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Leila Cardozo Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Fábio Antunes Rizzo Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Rudolf Brand Scheibler Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Hero Alfaya Junior Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Lolium multiflorum, Ruminal degradation, Winter fodder, Pre-dried silage, Ruminant Nutrition


The aim was to evaluate how the fodder pre- dehydration time and its phenological stages influence on ruminal degradability and digestibility of ryegrass silage. The evaluated samples consisted of treatments: Vegetative: Cut and ensiled; cut + 4 hours pre-drying and ensiled and; cut + 7 hours pre-drying and ensiled; Pre-flowering: Silage cutting and ensiled and 4 hours pre-drying and ensiled; Flowering: cut and ensiled, no pre-drying, with four replications each treatment. Silage was storage for four months. It was carried out three in situ digestibility assays to determine the curve of ruminal degradability at different times (3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours), like in situ digestibility and other three assays of 24 hours and 48 hours to determinate in vitro digestibility of silage. The digestibility of ryegrass silage was influenced by both the pre-dehydration times and phenological stage, and the dehydration time of cut and silage had a high proportion of degradable components, with higher degradation rate by 24 hours of incubation. The in vitro digestibility of the ryegrass silage was greater than that in situ for up to 48 hours. The digestibility of the ensiled ryegrass biomass was influenced by the dehydration times, as well as the plant growth stage, regardless of the methodology used, being higher values for the treatment without previous drying of the vegetative stage.






Agricultural Sciences

How to Cite

In vitro and in situ digestibility of annual ryegrass silage from distinct phenological growth stages and pre-dehydration times . Bioscience Journal [online], 2018. [online], vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1239–1247. [Accessed6 March 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v34n5a2018-39421. Available from: