Early treatment of nonsyndromic oligodontia: a clinical case report


  • Carolina Ribeiro Starling Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Caroline Mathias Carvalho de Souza Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Rogério Frederico Alves Ferreira Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Marcos Alan Vieira Bittencourt Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Diagnosis, Tooth Agenesis, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics


This report aims to describe the clinical case of a 10-year-old male patient (R.C.B.C.), presenting nonsyndromic oligodontia with maternal family trait and absence of 22 permanent teeth. Clinically, the patient had prolonged retention of some primary teeth and presence of permanent maxillary left central incisor, permanent mandibular right central incisor and four first permanent molars. Radiographically, only permanent maxillary second molars and mandibular third molars were developing, whereas all other germs of permanent teeth were missing. Treatment consisted of maxillary expansion followed by moving permanent maxillary left central incisor bucco-mesially, and rehabilitation of spaces with removable denture, where the main goal was to restore function and esthetic harmony. The case has been monitored for the past six years. Nonsyndromic oligodontia is a rare condition that poses significant functional and psychosocial difficulties. Treatment usually requires a multidisciplinary approach among which pediatric dentistry and orthodontics play a major role. In view of its complexity, treatment should be initiated as early as possible to minimize future functional and aesthetic issues. Dental implants are considered as definitive treatment of cases of oligodontia, however, until the patient reached the ideal age, other treatments to ensure aesthetics and function must be performed.


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How to Cite

STARLING, C.R., SOUZA, C.M.C. de, FERREIRA, R.F.A. and BITTENCOURT, M.A.V., 2017. Early treatment of nonsyndromic oligodontia: a clinical case report . Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 232–237. [Accessed4 November 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v33n1a2017-34483. Available from: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/biosciencejournal/article/view/34483.



Health Sciences