selectivity of preemergence herbicide treatments for cotton crop


  • Alberto Leão de Lemos Barroso Universidade de Rio Verde
  • Hugo Almeida Dan Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Rubem Silvério de Oliveira Jr. Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Jamil Constantin Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Lilian Gomes de Moraes Dan Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Diego Gonçalves Alonso Universidade Estadual de Maringá


The use of preemergence herbicides in cotton crop is one of the main tools in weed control. However, little is known about the effects of different herbicide tank mixtures on this crop. Therefore, this work was aimed at evaluating the selectivity of herbicides applied isolated or in mixtures to cotton at preemergence. Herbicide treatments included alachlor, s-metolachlor, diuron, prometryn, trifluralin, oxyfluorfen, alachlor+diuron, alachlor+prometryn, s-metolachlor+diuron, s-metolachlor+prometryn, oxyfluorfen+diuron, oxyfluorfen+prometryn, trifluralin+diuron, trifluralin+prometryn, trifluralin+oxyfluorfen. Herbicide treatments did not affect cotton stand. Oxyfluorfen, isolated or in mixture with diuron, prometryn, and trifluralin caused more significant crop injuries than all the other herbicide treatments. However, only oxyfluorfen+diuron, and trifluralin+oxyfluorfen decreased crop yield, and are regarded as presenting lower selectivity to cotton, cv. Delta-Opal.


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How to Cite

BARROSO, A.L. de L., DAN, H.A., OLIVEIRA JR., R.S. de, CONSTANTIN, J., DAN, L.G. de M. and ALONSO, D.G., 2012. selectivity of preemergence herbicide treatments for cotton crop . Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 762–769. [Accessed26 January 2025]. Available from:



Agricultural Sciences