Decaying icons and toppled statues: on the remnants of an uncomfortable past


  • Lucila Svampa



anachronism, memory, iconoclast


The iconography has been the protagonist in recent times of great memorial controversies. Some recent attacks on monuments of colonial figures show misplaced representations of the past, arousing collective ire. In this article we will concentrate on reviewing the role of monuments in the representation of the past, paying attention to the different paradigms to which they have obeyed. At the same time, we will put into play some conceptualizations relating to memory and the archive, to finally offer some reflections on anachronism, beyond the accusation of the Annales school. The contributions of Reinhart Koselleck and other contemporary thinkers related to the aforementioned theme will be of the utmost importance for this.


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Author Biography

Lucila Svampa

Doutora em Ciências Sociais pela Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Professora da Facultad de Ciencias Sociales na UBA. Pesquisadora do Conicet. Autora, entre outros livros, de La historia en disputa: memoria, olvido y usos del pasado. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2016. 


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How to Cite

Svampa, L. . (2021). Decaying icons and toppled statues: on the remnants of an uncomfortable past. ArtCultura, 23(43), 67–81.



Dossier: History & anachronism – Part I – International