Anarchist art in post-Second War: The Living Theatre and Laboratório de Ensaios


  • Cláudia Tolentino Gonçalves Felipe



anarchist art, The Living Theater, Laboratório de Ensaios.


Through two artistic movements created after the Second World War (The Living Theater and Laboratório de Ensaios), this article analyzes the way some anarchists promoted actions of transgression and experimentation of anarchic utopia. Artistic practices allowed the construction of a field of experimentation in which libertarian ideas could be carried out, experienced and propagated, deconstructing the values associated with war, such as darkness, borders and individualism. This conception of art, based on the alliance between aesthetics and life, did not start from an exclusively anarchist elaboration, but was appropriated by the militants as a way of combating the alienation and authoritarianism of the current society. Aesthetics, with its inexhaustible potential to instruct and encourage action, has become a tool for stimulating libertarian sensitivity.


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Author Biography

Cláudia Tolentino Gonçalves Felipe

Doutora em História pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).


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How to Cite

Tolentino Gonçalves Felipe, C. . (2020). Anarchist art in post-Second War: The Living Theatre and Laboratório de Ensaios. ArtCultura, 22(40), 92–107.



Minidossiê: Teatro(s) & práticas artísticas