Edition and political engagement: the L&PM publishing house in the 1970s


  • Flamarion Maués




political edition, editorial history in Brazil, opposition publishers


This article discusses the merger between editorial action and opposition political engagement in Brazil in the 1970s, during the dictatorship begun in 1964, analyzing the performance of editors responsible for Publishing House L&PM, from Porto Alegre, created in 1974,and trying to understand how this action transformed it into an editorial house politically active, in regional and national scope. I believe that this study will contribute to the understanding of the synthesis between editing and politics in Brazil in the final period of the dictatorship installed in 1964, and of the relations and mediations that provided such synthesis. In addition, it will allow a reflection on the role that the political edition played in Brazil, seeking a broader understanding of its meaning.



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Author Biography

Flamarion Maués

Doutor em História pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor de História no Instituto Federal de São Paulo, campus Registro. É autor, entre outras obras, de Livros que tomam partido – edição e revolução em Portugal: 1968-1980. Lisboa: Parsifal, 2019. 


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How to Cite

Maués, F. . (2019). Edition and political engagement: the L&PM publishing house in the 1970s. ArtCultura, 21(39), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.14393/artc-v21-n39-2019-52033