Re-drawn histories: visualizing analogies between the present and the past – urban peripheries, black resistance and female voices in the work of Marcelo D’Salete


  • Jasmin Wrobel



Marcelo D’Salete, urban periphery, Palmares


In his graphic novels, São Paulo artist and Visual Arts professor Marcelo D’Salete illustrates decisive moments of Afro- -Brazilian history and the life conditions of young Afro-Brazilians in the present, tracing analogies between now and then in his books Noite luz (2008), Encruzilhada (2011), Cumbe (2014) and Angola Janga (2017). In this contribution, I intend to show how D’Salete – on the threshold between fiction and reality – (re)draws a portrait of the urban periphery, on the one hand, and the history of Palmares, on the other hand, creating a type of “inverted continuity” between his first two works focused on São Paulo street life and his more recent graphic narratives in which he identifies the root for today’s social inequality in the poorly digested history of slavery in Brazil. In a third step, I am going to discuss the role and potential of the voice of women who are not being forgotten in D’Salete’s work.



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Author Biography

Jasmin Wrobel

Doutora em Estudos Latino-Americanos pela Freie Universität Berlin (FUBerlin). Organizadora do livro Roteiros de palavras, sons, imagens: os diálogos transcriativos de Haroldo de Campos. Frankfurt am Main: TFM, 2018. 


CATALÁ CARRASCO, Jorge e DRINOT, Paulo e SCORER, James (orgs.). Comics and memory in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017, e CARRILLO ZEITER, Katja e MÜLLER, Christoph (orgs.). Historias e historietas: representaciones de la historia en el cómic latino-americano actual. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 2018.

D’SALETE, Marcelo. Cumbe. São Paulo: Veneta, 2014.

FERRÉZ. Terrorismo literário. In: FERRÉZ (org.). Literatura marginal: talentos de escrita periférica. Rio de Janeiro: Agir, 2005.

HAPKE, Ingrid. Konfliktfelder: Die ‘literatura marginal/periférica’ und ihr ‘literarischer Terrorismus’. In: KLENGEL, Susanne (org.). Novas vozes: zur brasilianischen Literatur im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuert/Iberoamericana, 2013.

MOURA, Pedro. Encruzilhada. Marcelo D’Salete (Barba Negra). Ler BD, 5 set. 2018.

RINKE, Stefan e SCHULZE, Frederik. Kleine Geschichte Brasiliens. München: C.H. Beck, 2013.



How to Cite

Wrobel, J. . (2019). Re-drawn histories: visualizing analogies between the present and the past – urban peripheries, black resistance and female voices in the work of Marcelo D’Salete. ArtCultura, 21(39), 99–116.



Dossiê Quadrinhos & cultura visual: modos de ver e ler histórias