Graphic readings of the city: Rio de Janeiro on the street comics Zé Ninguém


  • Ivan Lima Gomes



Comics, graffitti, Rio de Janeiro


After leaving New York in 2001to adopt the city of Rio de Janeiro, Tito na Rua started to work with graffiti to print its brand as a new resident of the city. He created a street comics called Zé Ninguém, a comics narrative whose title character lives his adventures as he wanders through the walls and alleys of Rio de Janeiro. Through Zé Ninguém we intend to discuss the possibilities of interlocution between the technical and visual procedures typical of two graphic and urban arts such as comics and graffiti. The connections between urban art and apprehension of public space, reading of art in terms of reading the city and the creative solutions suggested by intermediality are main topics developed throughout the text, starting from a perspective that historicizes the practices of looking and questions the role of the arts in the city experience.



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Author Biography

Ivan Lima Gomes

Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Professor da Faculdade de História e do Programa de Pós-graduação em História e do Mestrado Profissional de Ensino de História (ProfHistória) da UFG. Autor do livro Os novos homens do amanhã: projetos e disputas em torno dos quadrinhos na América Latina. Curitiba: Prismas, 2018.


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How to Cite

Lima Gomes, I. . (2019). Graphic readings of the city: Rio de Janeiro on the street comics Zé Ninguém. ArtCultura, 21(39), 25–40.



Dossiê Quadrinhos & cultura visual: modos de ver e ler histórias