Playing with images: disputes over the meanings of capoeira in O Cruzeiro illustrated news magazine


  • Bruno Pinheiro



The photo-reports “Delinquencia juvenil” (1/2/1947), signed by photojournalist Jean Manzon and journalist David Nasser, and “Capoeira mata um!” (10/1/1948), signed by the then photojournalist Pierre Verger and folklorist Cláudio “Tuiuti” Tavares, are analyzed as part of the continuing debates surrounding the decriminalization of capoeira in 1937. The first one shows the popular ways of representing this topic before 1937, when capoeira was only mentioned in police pages. In the second one, we see forms diffused after 1937, when capoeira migrated to the cultural pages. After establishing the visual and intellectual affiliations of the authors in this dispute, the contents of the photo-reports will be compared with the representations of capoeira present in Jorge Amado’s novel Capitães da Areia (1937), identified as a common reference to both. By doing so, we aim at highlighting the limits of journalistic narrative representation of this theme.

keywords: visual culture; capoeira; racial relations.


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Author Biography

Bruno Pinheiro

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).



How to Cite

Pinheiro, B. (2018). Playing with images: disputes over the meanings of capoeira in O Cruzeiro illustrated news magazine. ArtCultura, 20(37), 157–69.