Critical and alternative approaches on gender relations in José Lins do Rego’s work


  • Victor Hugo Adler Pereira



This paper discusses the peculiarities of José Lins do Rego’s approach to gender relations in his novels compared to literary production and dominant perspectives in the Brazilian intellectual environment, based on two of his works: Moleque Ricardo (Urchin Ricardo), 1935 , and Usina (Sugar mil), 1936. The second novel continues the plot of the first one, alternating the focus on experiences of a young and poor black man in the countryside and in the city with the initiatives of modernization of sugar production by a rural landowner. Around the characters in these novels, questions are raised about gender relations, family organization, and prostitution, at a time of great social transformations stemming from the modernization surge, started in Brazil in the 1920s.

keywords: gender issues in Brazilian novel; homoeroticism in Brazilian literature; family and prostitution in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Victor Hugo Adler Pereira

Doutor em Letras Vernáculas/Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor do Instituto de Letras da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj), onde atua no curso de graduação e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras. Pesquisador do CNPq. Bolsista-pesquisador do Programa Prociência Uerj/ Faperj. Autor, entre outros livros, de Nelson Rodrigues, o freudismo e o carnaval nos teatros modernos. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2012.



How to Cite

Pereira, V. H. A. (2017). Critical and alternative approaches on gender relations in José Lins do Rego’s work. ArtCultura, 18(33).