Transnationalism and cultural border in the rise of hip hop: the case of the city of Monterrey, Mexico


  • José Juan Olvera Gudiño


This paper addresses the arrival and consolidation of hip hop in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Through a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews, it describes processes by which different elements of this urban youth culture arrive and are appropriated. Simultaneously, an exploratory review of the literature published in Latin America is conducted, looking for points of agreement or difference with Latin American cities. The influence of mass media is constant in Latin American cases studied. Monterrey has specificities relating to its geographical position, the role of transnational families, its character of “cultural border”, and the ethnic and linguistic role of Chicano rap.

Keywords: Hip hop; transnacionalism; Monterrey.


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Author Biography

José Juan Olvera Gudiño

Doutor em Humanidades, com área de concentração em Comunicação e Estudos Culturais, pelo Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey/Campus Monterrey/México. Professor do Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (Ciesas-Noreste). Membro do del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.



How to Cite

Gudiño, J. J. O. (2016). Transnationalism and cultural border in the rise of hip hop: the case of the city of Monterrey, Mexico. ArtCultura, 17(31). Retrieved from