Elis Regina: between singing and politics in the 1970’s


  • Rafaela Lunardi


Elis Regina was a singer of great success in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. Living in a period marked by the Brazilian military regime, the artist and citizen did not shy away from aesthetic and political debates of her time. In the 1970s, especially in its second half, she was recognized as an engaged artist, which is why her name is associated with the struggle for political amnesty and democratization in Brazil. With her rich trajectory in Brazilian pop music (MPB – Música Popular Brasileira), she was closely watched, as were some of her fellow artists, by military government agencies, as well as “policed” by the leftwing camp. Thus, Elis Regina’s career was permeated by her relations with politics, which made her a symbol of resistance to the Brazilian military dictatorship.

Keywords: Elis Regina; MPB; military regimen.


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Author Biography

Rafaela Lunardi

Mestre e doutoranda em História Social na Universidade de São Paulo (USP).



How to Cite

Lunardi, R. (2016). Elis Regina: between singing and politics in the 1970’s. ArtCultura, 16(29). Retrieved from https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/artcultura/article/view/34266