CALL FOR PAPERS – ArtCultura: Revista de História, Cultura e Arte, v. 25, n. 46 (jan.-jun. 2023)


In the current historiographical scenario, printed culture and, in particular, the book and the whole complex circuit of relationships that develops from and around it have become the center of a field of investigation of great vitality and scope. Individual researchers, research centers, graduate programs, specialized meetings and publications, and international associations such as The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing and the Red Latinoamericana de Cultura Gráfica give shape and consistency to the history of books and publishing: a history that takes the book as something that goes far beyond the support of information and ideas, thus building a wide and diverse agenda of themes, clippings, approaches and perspectives about this axial object-idea for the process of communication, symbolization and organization of reality, as well as its mythologization and fiction.

In view of this, this dossier is open to contributions that, guided by a historical look, address the social construction of the book and publishing by its different subjects, from authors and publishers to the "forgotten intermediaries of the history of literature", as defined by Robert Darnton; in its different facets, from writing and publishing to dissemination, mediation and reception; in its different supports, from physical to digital, and impacts, from the "marginal" to the global best- seller; and in different contexts, from the local to the transnational, of which some of the most fruitful and promising examples are the designated process of circulation, production and consumption of the book in the trans-Atlantic space (and, within this, the Ibero-Atlantic one) or in the Indo-Asian one. It is also open to texts aimed at critical dialogue with the historiography that has already been built up about it, particularly the main references in the field, and with other areas that have dedicated themselves to the same object, such as Sociology, Anthropology, and Communication Studies. In this way, it hopes to offer a multidimensional and multifaceted panorama about the theme, in line with another formulation by Darnton, according to which books do not respect limits, either linguistic, national or interpretative; therefore, they “do not merely recount history: they make it".

Submissions deadline: Feb 28, 2023
Submission guidelines:

About the Journal:
ArtCultura: Revista de História, Cultura e Arte is a open access biannual publication of the Instituto de História and the History Graduate Program of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU, Brazil). It promotes the interdisciplinary dialogue between History, Arts and Culture in general. Its axes of interest are based on the relations between History and different fields of cultural production, such as Cinema, Theater, Literature, Music, Visual Arts, Architecture and other areas
of the Humanities.

About the Editors:
Fábio Franzini PhD in History (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) and Associate Professor at History Department of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp, Brazil).ábioFranzini

Nuno Medeiros
PhD in Historical Sociology of Culture (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), Assistant Professor at Universidade de Lisboa (UL, Portugal), and Researcher at Centro de Estudos Comparatistas of Universidade de Lisboa (CEComp – UL, Portugal).