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Author Guidelines

The process of submission and publication of articles in ArtCultura: Revista de História, Cultura e Arte does not entail any costs to submitting authors.

Standard for quotes


LAST NAME, Name. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, page cited (p.) or pages cited (p.).

E.g.: DOSSE, François. História e Ciências Sociais. Bauru: Edusc, 2004, p. 65.

If there is a subtitle, it must appear without italics.

In case there is another edition of the same book, this should be indicated right after the title.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME, Name (org.). Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, date, page cited.

E.g.: ABREU, Martha. Cultura política, música popular e cultura afro-brasileira: algumas questões para a pesquisa e o ensino de história. In: SOIHET, Rachel et alii (orgs.). Culturas políticas: ensaios de história cultural, história política e ensino de história. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad/Faperj, 2005, p. 410.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, volume and number, Place, month (abbreviated) and year of publication, page cited.

E.g.: NEVES, Lucilia de Almeida. Memória e História: potencialidades da História Oral. ArtCultura, v. 5, n. 6, Uberlândia, jan.-jun. 2003, p. 33.

Academic theses:

LAST NAME, Name. Thesis title in italics: subtitle. Type of work: Thesis or Dissertation (Master's or Doctoral, indicating the area of work) - academic affiliation, Place and date of defense, page cited.

E.g.: MORETTIN, Eduardo Victorio. Os limites de um projeto de monumentalização cinematográfica: uma análise de filme. Dissertation (Doctorate in Communication Sciences) - USP, São Paulo, 2001, p. 40.

Electronic documents:

AUTHOR(S). Name or Title. Indication of responsibility. Date. Information about the description of the medium.

Note: for online documents, it is essential to provide information on the electronic address / URL, presented between < > signs, preceded by the expression "Available at" and the date of access to the document, preceded by "Access on".

E.g.: GUIMARÃES, Lucia Maria Paschoal. Troca de noivos na família imperial! 2003. Available at < http://www.nossahistó >. Accessed on Sep. 1, 2004.


ArtCultura: Revista de História, Cultura e Arte

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Instituto de História

Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Campus Santa Mônica – Bloco 1H, sala 1H 36

Uberlândia – MG

Cep (ZIP/Postal Code) 38408-100

Phone: +55 (34) 3230-9598

Email address:

Home page:


Instagram: @revistaartcultura

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The material for publication should be forwarded to, in Word 7.0 or compatible format. The author's name must be accompanied by information specifying his/her activity, the institution (if any) where he/she works and basic items of his/her Résumé.
  • Articles (with titles in Portuguese and English) should contain intermediate titles not alluding to the Introduction and the Conclusion, and should be 15-25 pages long, while reviews should be 4-6 pages long. Texts should be typed in size 12 Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced (top and bottom margins, 3 cm; side margins, 2.5 cm).
  • Merely sending originals implies authorization for publication, which includes any changes resulting from the review process.
  • Translations must be accompanied by the author's authorization and the original text.
  • Articles will be submitted to two blind reviewers. In case of disagreement between them, the editorial board will forward the text to a third consultant.
  • Notes should be indicated in the body of the text by Arabic numerals, in ascending order, and listed at the bottom of the page. When mentioning a work for the first time, give a full bibliographic citation. In a new reference to it, use the standard LAST NAME, Name, op. cit., p., or, in case of a second consecutive citation of the same author and/or work, use idem, ibidem.
  • Notes will be admitted, provided they are essential and limited to the minimum number possible.
  • Notes must be typed single-spaced, in size 10 font.
  • For quotations longer than five lines, there is no need to open and close quotation marks, it is enough to put the passage in italics, indent the margins and type it in size 11 font, single-spaced. Words in italics should otherwise be used in foreign language expressions alone.
  • In the case of quotations of five lines or less in the main body of the text, simply "open" and "close" quotation marks, without italics or indentation.
  • The journal does not publish a bibliography at the end of the texts.
  • Articles should be accompanied by an abstract (about 10 lines), 3 palavras-chave and 3 key words.
  • Articles may be accompanied by images (reduced to a minimum), in JPG format and 300 dpi resolution.
  • ArtCultura: Revista de História, Cultura e Arte publishes previously unpublished articles and reviews in the field of History that are in a dialogue with Arts and Culture in general. Authors are required to follow these guidelines when preparing papers for submission:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses on this website will be used solely for the purposes of the journal and are not available for other purposes.