Challenges of leading remote teams during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Gestão Remota
Pandemia do Covid 19

How to Cite

dos Santos Domingues Arneiro, G. J., Di Petta, A., & Coutinho, M. L. G. C. (2024). Challenges of leading remote teams during the COVID-19 pandemic. Management in Perspective, 5(2), 118–155.


This article aims to understand the difficulties faced by company leaders with remote team management during the COVID-19 pandemic and how these challenges changed their behaviours, management skills and management practices. The qualitative research methodology was through a case study with semi-structured and in-depth interviews carried out with managers of companies located in greater São Paulo from the most different areas and management levels who were forced to adapt activities that were previously carried out in face-to-face to the virtual environment without any prior preparation. After analyzing the results, it became evident that the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation required an adaptation in the way of leading, in which leaders began to direct much of their efforts in an attempt to maintain close relationships with their teams and a agile and transparent communication, at the same time that they needed to guarantee the performance of professionals and support in adapting to working from home. The research results showed that the main skills of leaders were related to soft skills such as communication, resilience, flexibility, people development and ensuring employees' working conditions.
PDF Português (Português (Brasil))


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