
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Veterinary News Journal values the ethics of the authors in their research. For this, all items are evaluated by at least three reviewers of the manuscript theme area without prior knowledge of the identification of the authors. The guide on Ethics in Publications should be respected.

    Publication ethics and malpractice statement
    1. Publication and authorship/ responsibility for the authors:
    - The authors should cite all articles used in the manuscript.
    - The authors should cite the financial support used in the manuscript.
    - Authors should submit no plagiarism and no fraudulent data. All data in the article should be real and authentic
    - The manuscript can not be published in another journal
    - All authors should have significantly contributed to the research;
    - The authors should provide retractions or corrections of mistakes requested by the reviewer and/or editor.
    - The authors must commit to ethics in animal research following the current legislation for conducting the experiment. See the item “Ethics in Publications”
    - Authors must undertake to conduct experiments responsibly so that the experimentation process does not harm the environment or social well-being in any way.

    2. Peer review/responsibility for the reviewers:
    - Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders;
    - The review of the manuscripts should be objective and be treated confidentially.

    3. Editorial responsibilities:
    - Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article;
    -The Editors must not have any conflicting interests to accept or reject the article. Editors must be fair, without discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religion or political beliefs, ethnicity or geographic origin of the authors.
    - Only accept a manuscript that follows the journal rules
    - Preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
    - Preserve the anonymity of the author during the process of evaluation of manuscripts.
    - Do not allow commercial influence to accept the paper, so articles are considered and accepted solely on their academic merit.
    - Do not allow manuscripts that do not follow the publication of ethics.

    4. Publishing ethics issues
    - Authors and editors should publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies if necessary.
    - When the research involves humans or animals should be evaluated of an Ethics Committee.
    In the case of research with genetically modified organisms, the institution or the research must have been evaluated by a Biosafety Committee
    - If, after an appropriate investigation, an item proves to be fraudulent, it should be retracted.
    - If, after an appropriate investigation, the manuscript proves to be a conflict of interest, it should be retracted.
    The section editor and reviewers are persons empowered to check the quality of articles and reproducibility. However, the author has the responsibility for integrity in the description of the methods used and in the case of plagiarism, the authors can be penalized.

    If the study is related to experiments with humans and / or animals, you must include in the text if a Research Ethics Committee approved the research project. In addition, a document containing the approval number and protocol must be transferred, during the submission, in \"supplementary documents\". Experimental animal studies should follow the guidelines established by the \"Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals\" (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 2011) and the Ethical Principles of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (COBEA).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Author Guidelines

All contributions should be sent through the Journal Electronic System.

The corresponding author should send a cover letter requesting the submission of the article and its possible publication exclusively in this journal. In addition, authors should indicate at least three reviewers (and affiliations). If there is any conflict of interest with any reviewer, this must be indicated in the letter. The letter should be attached during the submission as "supplementary documents" in "Files". The author must also send a supplementary document containing the name and affiliation of the authors. ARTICLES SUBMITTED WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS WILL NOT ENTER THE EVALUATION PROCESS.

When submitting the article, ALL metadata must be filled in. Authors' data must be complete, including the ORCID number. For those authors who do not have an ORCID registration, please go to the website and register (

Manuscripts should be submitted without the identification of authors, including attachments, photos, and figures. The paper will be sent to three (03) reviewers, in the shortest time possible, without identifying the author and shall be considered approved with 02 favorable opinions.

The documents will be published in English or Portuguese. The journal reserves the right to make changes to the original rules in relation to spelling and grammatical rules in order to maintain the correct language, respecting, however, the style of the authors.

Type of articles

1. Original Articles - Articles that present a contribution entirely new to knowledge and allows other researchers, based on the written text, to judge the conclusions, check the accuracy of the analyzes and deductions of the author and repeat the investigation if they so wish. 

The article should preferably be written in English.

sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Conclusion, the declarations section (see below) and the Reference.

After conclusion, item sections of the statement must be inserted, containing:

Acknowledgments (when applicable), Funding (authors must inform the projects and funding agencies or other companies that financed part or all of the research, including grants), Ethics (When applicable, insert the approval number of the Ethics Committee in Animal Research or human and/or biosafety in case of genetically modified organisms), Participation of the authors (insert the contributions of each author), Declaration of data availability (The authors must declare that the data are available to the journal if requested), Conflict of interests (Authors must declare that they have no conflict of interest). Please, see the example in “ITEMS OF THE MANUSCRIPT”.

After the declarations (Acknowledgements, Financing, Ethics, Participation of the authors, Declaration of data availability and Conflict of interests) the articles in Portuguese (valid only for full article or communication) must contain in English: Title, Abstract, Keywords. If the article is in English, these sections must be in Portuguese. Papers must not exceed 4000 words, including annexes.


2. Review Articles - Articles that present comprehensive and updated reviews of a subject of interest from the scientific community and offer a significant contribution to the area of knowledge. They must be written in English and contain: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development(with each title of the subject to be discussed), Final considerations and Conclusion, statement section (as described in the previous item “Original scientific articles”) and References.

Only review articles in English will be accepted, and after the statements section, articles in English must contain Title, Abstract and Keywords in portuguese. Papers must not exceed 8000 words, including annexes.

3. Case report - Predominantly clinical articles of high relevance and current, with original reports from clinical and basic areas. They must be written in English and contain: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Case report (including material and methods and results), Discussion, Conclusion, declarations section (as described in the item “Original scientific articles”) and References.

Only Case Report articles in English will be accepted, and after the statements section, articles in English must contain Title, Abstract and Keywords. Papers must not exceed 2000 words, including annexes.

4. Research communication - brief reports of data from original research of great importance to science.

The article must preferably be written in English and contain the same sections described in the “Original Scientific Articles” item.

Manuscripts should not exceed 1600 words, including annexes.

NOTE: Case reports, review and communication articles will only be published if they are in English. The author must submit the article in English or carry out the translation in case of acceptance.



The manuscript must be submitted in doc. or docx. extension. The file must be a maximum of 8 MB.

The metadata must be filled out with the Paper/Work title, name (s) of the author(s), last academic degree, work institution, postal address, telephone, email and ORCID.

By 2022, manuscripts should follow the ABNT standard.

From  2023 onwards, articles must be written in the Chicago 17th edition style. If there is a more current edition, it should be used.
We recommend using a reference editor such as Mendeley or others.



The wording should be clear.

The text MUST be presented in Times New Roman, size 11, in 1.5 space. The upper and lower margins must be 2.0 cm and the left and right 2.5 cm. The lines should be numbered and the manuscript should have the number of pages.

The text should be written with intercalation of tables and figures already inserted in the text, with the minimum amount required for its understanding. The titles of each section are written in bold, left-aligned, in capital letters.

The manuscript should not contain the authors' names, which should be sent on a separate sheet as supplementary documents. The document of the authors must contain the full name of each author followed by a number in writing that will identify the ORCID and the institution of origin of each author. The corresponding author must be identified with an asterisk next to the number that identifies the institution of origin. The main author's mailing address, telephone and e-mail must also be included. An example is described below (

fictitious data):

Doraci França1*, Daniela Maria Oliveira2; Marcia de Souza3




1,2 Faculty of Porto, Portugal.

3 Faculty of Valdivia, Chile.

*Corresponding author: Department of Animal Physiology, University of Porto, Rua Xuxu, number 256, CP 124555, Porto, Portugal. Phone: XXXXXX, email: dorafranç



Paper title: The title must be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive. Title should be in bold, centered, capital letters, Times New Roman font size 12 and

Abstract: An informative summary must be prepared with about 100 to 300 words in a single paragraph containing a concise presentation of the relevant points of the manuscript. It's necessary an abstract in Portuguese and English. 

Keywords: The keywords must not repeat words in the title. Words should be separated by a colon and begin with a capital letter. Authors must submit 3-6 terms, considering that a term may be composed of two or more words.

Introduction: Introduce the topic to the reader and explain the relevance of the work with the objective.
Material and Method: The material and method must be written objectively but enough for another researcher to repeat if they wish.
Results: It can come separately or together with the discussion.
Discussion: The results of the work should be discussed.
Conclusion: Make a brief and clear conclusion.


Acknowledgments (when applicable)

Financing: authors must inform the projects and funding agencies or other bodies that financed part or all of the research, including scholarships

Ethics: Works involving animals, humans and genetically modified organisms must include, obligatorily, the number of the approved  protocol of the Ethics in the Use of Animals, human and/or Biosafety Commission, when applicable.

Author participation: Insert what each author contributed to the research

Declaration of data availability: Authors must declare that the article's data are available to the journal upon request.

Conflict of interests: Authors must declare no conflict of interest.


An example related to the “declaration” items is described below:

Acknowledgements: The authors thank Leila Maia for all her support

 Author contributions: BBF (abbreviation of the authors' names) and PGH conducted the in vivo experiment. BBF, PGH TFMR prepared the histopathological slides and performed the analysis. PGH performed the ELISA. PGH wrote the manuscript. BBF designed, analysed the data, and edited the article.

Funding: This research was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Grant # CNPq-6000/2022-2

Availability of data and materials: The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Declarations of interest: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

If there are Equations and formulas, they must be presented via the "Microsoft equation" resource.

Figure and Tables: Tables and figures should be classified with Arabic numerals. Titles of Figures and tables should be above them. Tables should be typed second text Editor menu, "Insert Table", in different cells (will not be accepted tables with values separated by the ENTER resource and copied as figures). Use horizontal lines in the separation of headers and the end of the table. Tables and figures must have a footer with the information that makes it possible to understand them.

Guidelines for the preparation of figures 

1. Figures may be made in software depending on the authors' preference. They must be inserted and sent in TIFF or JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

2. The x and y axes scale titles must be in Times New Roman size 9. All information in the figure (e.g., equations, captions) must be in Times New Roman  10 or at least 9. Right-hand and top edges in graphs are not necessary.

3. Figures may be made up of multiple graphs, both horizontal and vertical. When dealing with figures of multiple graphs, the same must be identified by letters (A, B, C, D) in capital letters and bold, below the chart on the left.

4. Measurement units: The measures should be standardized to the metric system of units according to the International System of Units (SI).

Supplementary material: Appendices can be used for extensive lists, statistics and other supporting elements.

References and citations:

References from books, theses and conference abstracts must be avoided and may not be accepted. If extremely necessary, a maximum of 10% of references will be accepted as books, theses or conference abstracts.

As of 2023, articles must contain citations and references in the Chicago 17th edition style. If there is a more current edition, it should be used.

References must be included at the end of the article in alphabetical order or in the order established by the Chicago style when applicable.

For all references, the DOI number must be included. If the reference editor used does not bring the DOI, it is possible to download the DOI from the Crossref website. To do so, the author  follows these steps:

Enter the Crossref website link ( and in "Enter text in the box below:" paste all references separated from each other with space, click "submit" and the crossref returns the references with the DOI link in front. Some references will be without a link and the causes may be: The article does not have a DOI or the reference is wrong. If the reference comes without a link, please enter the site where the article was published to check if the reference is wrong.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.