About the Journal


Attention: The journal's rules have been updated regarding references and the insertion of declaration items.



Veterinary News is an online journal with about 580 citations in the last 5 years (Google scholar). From 2022 is published annually in continuous flow (one volume per year), preferably in English. In each issue, at least 80% of the articles are published in English and the others in Spanish or Portuguese. The journal is edited by the Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGVET).

The journal aims to publish topics related to Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science: Clinical and Surgery, Inspection of Animal Products, Animal Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Nutrition and Animal Feeding, Genetics and Animal Breeding, Animal Reproduction, Ethology and Animal Welfare, Epidemiology and Public Health, Animal Health and Animal Production.

The journal publishes scientific articles, case reports, communication and review articles. Original and communication articles may be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese, however, the journal prefers manuscripts submitted in English. Case reports and review articles MUST be submitted in English. The works sent for publication will be submitted to the approval of the Scientific Board, Editorial Board and expert reviewers in the area indicated by the Editor.

The manuscripts selected shall have its copyrights retained by the journal.  Opinions and concepts stated in the papers shall be the authors' exclusive responsibility. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the necessary changes to publish the articles.



Before submitting a manuscript to Veterinary News, the author should read the "Instructions to Authors". We prioritize original contributions and articles in English must be accompanied by a review statement in English made by a specialist in the field, under the responsibility of the author(s). The manuscripts approved by the editor in the initial phase will be forwarded to three ad hoc reviewers, indicated. PhDs, with recognized expertise in the study area in question will review each manuscript. This process will be performed by the blind review system, ensuring absolute confidentiality, both for the identity of the authors and the reviewers. If there is any conflict of interest, the manuscript will be referred to new reviewers, or the article will be denied depending on the case.
For the article to be published, the it must receive favorable opinions from at least two ad hoc reviewers. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes deemed necessary for the publication of the article, which will become the property of the journal.
Upon receipt of the manuscript, each reviewer has 15 days to deliver the manuscript evaluated.
Return to the authors takes approximately 4 to 12 weeks.


Continuous flow, one volume per year.


This journal provides access to all its contents. Thus, a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and citation of work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research, distributing OJS and other software to support the publication system of public access to academic sources.



AGRIS, AGROBASE, CAB INTERNATIONAL (Index Veterinarius/Veterinary Bulletin), LATINDEX, OJS, PERIODICOS CAPES, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CROSSREF, BIREME, CABABSTRACTS, Cite Factor, LATINDEX, EUROPUB, BIBLAT, Sumários.org, GOOGLE SCHOLAR (https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?hl=pt-BR&view_op=search_venues&vq=veterin%C3%A1ria+not%C3%ADcias)






When submitting an article to Veterinária Notícias, authors must understand that there is a transfer of copyright after approval of the manuscript.

Opinions expressed by authors are their exclusive responsibility.



The Veterinary News Journal values the ethics of the authors in their research. For this, all items are evaluated by at least three reviewers of the manuscript theme area without prior knowledge of the identification of the authors. The guide on Ethics in Publications should be respected.


Publication ethics and malpractice statement

1. Publication and authorship/ responsibility for the authors:

- The authors should cite all articles used in the manuscript.

- The authors should cite the financial support used in the manuscript.

- Authors should submit no plagiarism and no fraudulent data. All data in the article should be real and authentic

- The manuscript can not be published in another journal

- All authors should have significantly contributed to the research;

- The authors should provide retractions or corrections of mistakes requested by the reviewer and/or editor.

- The authors must commit to ethics in animal research following the current legislation for conducting the experiment. See the item “Ethics in Publications”

- Authors must undertake to conduct experiments responsibly so that the experimentation process does not harm the environment or social well-being in any way.


2. Peer review/responsibility for the reviewers:

- Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders;

- The review of the manuscripts should be objective and be treated confidentially.


3. Editorial responsibilities:

- Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article;

-The Editors must not have any conflicting interests to accept or reject the article. Editors must be fair, without discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religion or political beliefs, ethnicity or geographic origin of the authors.

-  Only accept a manuscript that follows the journal rules

-  Preserve the anonymity of reviewers.

- Preserve the anonymity of the author during the process of evaluation of manuscripts.

- Do not allow commercial influence to accept the paper, so articles are considered and accepted solely on their academic merit.

- Do not allow manuscripts that do not follow the publication of ethics.


4. Publishing ethics issues

- Authors and editors should publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies if necessary.

 - When the research involves humans or animals should be evaluated of an Ethics Committee

- If, after an appropriate investigation, an item proves to be fraudulent, it should be retracted.

- If, after an appropriate investigation, the manuscript proves to be a conflict of interest, it should be retracted.

The section editor and reviewers are persons empowered to check the quality of articles and reproducibility. However, the author has the responsibility for integrity in the description of the methods used and in the case of plagiarism, the authors can be penalized.


If the study is related to experiments with humans and / or animals, you must include in the text if a Research Ethics Committee approved the research project. In addition, a document containing the approval number and protocol must be transferred, during the submission, in \"supplementary documents\".  Experimental animal studies should follow the guidelines established by the \"Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals\" (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 2011) and the Ethical Principles of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (COBEA).



Veterinary News does not charge submission, processing, or publication fee.



Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGCVET-UFU).

Address: Campus Glória - Bloco 1CCG - Sala 209 A e B
BR-050, KM 78, S/N, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil
CEP: 38410-337
e-mail: mesvet@ufu.br