Southern mythical cycles

space and the imaginary in luiz sérgio metz’s assim na terra


  • Arthur Katrein Mora Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)



symbolic imagination, poetics of space, myth, Bachelard, Durand


Profound relationships among a people and its land can be altered beyond recognition through the motions of the mythical cycles. A renewal of language, behaviors and the imaginary carry the ruptures between tradition and progress from which the core of Assim na Terra, novel by Luiz Sérgio Metz, is built upon. The space of Rio Grande do Sul, southernmost land, with its buildings, characters and distinct historical process, draws new vitality by means of literature and the repertoire of myths, symbols and traditions within it; vitality with which to endure the frailty and contingency of its existence. Metz’s work manifests, through the journey it takes us, the tenderness of Gaston Bachelard’s (1975) poetics of space, as well as Gilbert Durand’s (1982;1988;1996) symbolic imagination; both concepts favorable to the task of providing meaning to the oblivion spawned from the mythical cycles.



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How to Cite

MORA, A. K. Southern mythical cycles: space and the imaginary in luiz sérgio metz’s assim na terra. Téssera, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 33–58, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/TES-v1n2-2019-48208. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


