The substantive sense of citizenship

with a focus on the politics of belonging


  • Mari Refve Furuhaug Universität Oldenburg (Germany) | Lundehaugen Ungdomsskole (Norway)


Palabras clave:

Citzenship, Politics of Belonging, Substantive citzenship, Borders, Scandinavia


Based on an exploratory literature review, this article focuses on the substantive sense of citizenship in the context of second-generation migrants in Scandinavia. Through a theoretical framework that dives into the two terms of citizenship and belonging and a discussion of the relevant findings from the existing literature, the article aims to investigate the following research question: How can the politics of belonging interfere with citizenship? The article concludes that an individual need to feel a sense of belonging to a community in order to be fully a citizen or member of the given state, nation, or area in a substantive sense.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mari Refve Furuhaug, Universität Oldenburg (Germany) | Lundehaugen Ungdomsskole (Norway)

Masters in migration and intercultural relation studies at the University of Oldenburg (Germany), specializing in forced migration and environmental migration. She holds a bachelor’s in educational science from the University of Stavanger (Noruega). Lecturer at Lundehaugen Ungdomsskole (Noruega).




Cómo citar

Refve Furuhaug, M. (2020). The substantive sense of citizenship : with a focus on the politics of belonging. Revista De La Facultad De Derecho De La Universidad Federal De Uberlândia, 48(2), 126–141.